Starting Back

Back, In A WIP form

Well, here we are again.

This is kind of a continuation from a substack blog... I decided that despite the blog's many failings, I should try writing again. I'll actually be throwing a post out over there once I'm finished writing this to prove I'm not just saying things to say things.

I wanted a more elegant (read: deployable) solution, but this was the best I could do in my current circumstances. The nice thing about this is that I get a proper RSS feed now, and I can use it for multiple things. Once I get some domains figured out, things just kinda fall into place.

The substack blog was supposed to be a project-specific-esque-learn-everything-always blog, but it ended up stressing me out more than it needed to, and adding salt into the wound when things got much worse. One thing I'm recognizing is how awful life-changing events demotivate me, in all aspects, particularly post-COVID.

In any case, I'm trying to make this less like a job, and more like how a blog probably should be. There'll still be pretty technical stuff going on around here, but since blogs are suggested by the larger technical diaspora, I'll try to hang on.

No speedrunning projects for weekly grinds, no tearing myself apart for burning out.

Oh also; I have yet to customize the blog template, so it's this hyperbasic plain blog theme. I will get it more inline with my personal site at... some point.

'til next time.
