Become unstoppable, lest you get caught in the torrential light...

So, this is it, the end of 2023.

Is that... another post before another month passes us by? Mark that on the calendar. Granted, it's short, but too much of what's been going on has been just terribly mundane.

I have a lot of work ahead of me until New Years' so let me kind of elaborate on the nonsense and we can start working towards the goals, one step at a time.

The Past (Month)

I wanted to get some kind of music out this month; Unfortunately this is not happening as my creative endeavors have mostly been visual. My partner requested an art piece for the holidays, and thus I obliged and attempted to make it the pinnacle of my recent works. I feel like I did an okay job (that I still want to improve upon) despite the short notice and stress of attempting to make it as good as possible within my skill level, which is still growing the more I do the thing.

I have picked up some side work for a friend additionally that I cannot speak publicly about, but I'm hoping it leads to something interesting and mentally stimulating. A good time to stretch my reverse engineering skills.

Outside of this, December's been an exhausting affair. I've been sick twice at least and I want to avoid taking too many days off from here on: Things. Must. Continue. Moving.

The Now

I'm pretty much swamped with work until the second week of January where I can start really cooking. Focus: get through the rest of the week and then some with my sanity, sleep, etc intact.

Which pretty swiftly leads me unto...

The Future

Per Time Moves Ever Forward, my primary objectives have not changed. Things must continue. Everything will fit into place; It has to, even if the end result is a little scuffed. Look forward to the results of boredom until then, because after this week, a lot of things slow down to a crawl. The latter half of the year is a trial in and of itself, such is the pattern.

Additionally, I am working on a new blog theme that achieves parity with the Main Site, and does so easily with all future versions of it, regardless of whatever iterative properties those versions might contain. This is, however, going to take a hot minute as past blog posts have certainly made clear at this stage.


Ultimately, there's something to be said about wanting to be the best person one can be. This year alone was a struggle; The depression, the burnout, the 'generally being too broke to live' shit. Now, after the majority of my misery has passed, there's still a lot of work I need to do, but I move forward with vision, purpose, and a sense of self. I have reaffirmed my existence to myself. I must press on, despite the god-awful hand I've been dealt. From all the staring into the void I've done, from all the hard-learned lessons from this personally fucking awful year, I have the following words on offer:

Become unstoppable, lest you get caught up in the torrential light of crystalline stasis

Happy New Year.

